1. UK Business Credit Reports -FREE TRIAL 

Order your FREE UK report and find out what your competitor, supplier client or your own company’s credit rating is. Please quote “FREE2020” when you contact us. 

2. Credit Report Types 

We provide both Online reports as well as freshly investigated reports on all UK companies covering all 4 million registered companies and 3.8 million sole proprietors / partnerships. International reports are also available covering ALL countries worldwide. 

3. International Business Credit Reports 

We have Creditreform credit reporting offices throughout Europe, Turkey and China with fully approved international business reporting partners worldwide compiling upto date information daily. Creditreform provide risk analysis reports to the major financial institutions and banks across Europe. This means you can trade with confidence. 

4. No Contractual Commitment 

Here at Creditreform we do not require any membership, subscription or contractual commitment to obtain our UK business credit reports. This also applies to our International business credit reports. 
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  • Price is subject to VAT where applicable (UK & Isle of Man customers only)
  • Delivery times shown are working / business days
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United Kingdom Credit Business Report Services 
Creditreform operates a global specialist international business credit report service. We have local offices and fully approved expert international Risk analysis experts in every country worldwide. This enables us to provide expert upto date business credit report information on businesses anywhere in the world 
Main reasons why our business credit reports are so important they enable clients to trade with confidence. 
The local Business Credit Report Partners are able to: 
Assess local businesses trading activities 
update information immediately there are any changes 
Know and understand the local economies 
Are in the same time zones 
Herewith details of our business credit reporting service United Kingdom 
Location of Business Credit reporting office in United Kingdom? 
Tyseley, Birmingham 
Number of business credit reporting staff? 
Over 4,500 in the group 
How long have you been operating a business credit reporting service in United Kingdom? 
What type of business credit reports do you provide: 
1. Corporate business credit reports online and offline 
Both Online and Offline Credit Reports 
2. Non registered business credit reports online and offline 
Offline Bespoke Credit Reports 
3. Bespoke investigated business credit reports 
We provide Enhanced Offline Investigated Registered Company Credit Reports and Bespoke Investigated Non Registered Business Credit Reports 
Number of registered companies in United Kingdom? 
Over 4,000,000 
Number of non registered businesses in United Kingdom 
Over 3.8 million 
What are the delivery times in United Kingdom? 
Instant Online business credit report - Yes for registered companies only 
Flash business credit report - Business credit reports are supplied within 8 working hours 
Express business credit report - Business credit reports are supplied within 48 hours 
Normal business credit report - Business credit reports are supplied within 3 working days 
How many company registries are there in the United Kingdom for businesses 
There is one Registry Companies House which has 4 offices located in Cardiff, London, Edinburgh and Belfast. 
What content is available in United Kingdom: 
a) Financial Accounts 
There are various financial accounts filing requirements depending on size and legal status: 
1. Micro Companies. To qualify for this the Micro Companies must meet at least two of the following three size requirements: Turnover less than £633,000, Total Balance Sheet Assets less than £317,000 and/or 10 staff or less. These companies only have to submit a simple one page balance sheet and foot notes. 
2. Small Companies. To qualify for this Small Companies must meet at least to of the following size requirements: Turnover nor more than £10.2 million, Total Balance Sheet Assets nor more than £5.1 million and/or nor more than 50 staff. These companies have to submit a modified balance sheet and notes to the accounts. 
3. Medium Sized Companies. To qualify for this Medium Sized Companies must meet at least two of the following size requirements: Turnover nor more than £36 million, Total Balance Sheet Assets nor more than £18 million and/or no more than 250 staff. These companies must submit a modified Profit and Loss Account, Full Balance Sheet and notes to the accounts. 
4. Large companies. Companies that do not meet any of the above requirements have to submit full audited accounts including Profit and loss account and full balance sheets. 
5. Consolidated Accounts. Group companies that include multiple companies/subsidiaries submit consolidated accounts that include full group profit and loss account, group balance sheet plus company balance sheet. 
b) Shareholder/ownership details 
Registered companies provide a Confirmation Statement which includes a list of People with Significant Control (PSCs). Basically, a PSC is as an individual who: 
Holds more than 25% of the company’s shares 
Holds more than 25% of the company’s voting rights 
Has the power to appoint or terminate a majority of the company’s board 
Has the right to exercise or actually exercise significant influence or control over the company 
Has the right to exercise or actually exercise significant influence or control over a trust or a firm that is not a legal entity which itself satisfies any of the first four conditions 
c) Management information 
Registered companies submit a Confirmation Statement which includes the appointed directors and Registered Office / Service Address. 
Do Business Credit reports contain negative information: 
All credit reports include the following negative information: 
Late payments / Default data 
Any CCJs (County Court Judgments) or bankruptcy and insolvency 
Late filing of accounts and statutory documentation at Companies House 
High levels of debt 
Any other relevant negative data? 
Director checks are made to identify associations with dissolved and weak companies which can affect the company’s credit rating. 
Do you provide monitoring services for all business credit reports obtained and what information changes are flagged 
Negative data 
Address/ Contact details 
Ownership changes 
Changes in the credit rating and solvency score 
Do you provide consumer credit reports? 
We only provide commercial reports including sole traders and partnerships. 
Do you provide marketing data? 
Yes through our trading partners. 
Please provide any other relevant details about your business credit reporting services: 
All our business credit reports meet the very high standards required by the Creditreform International Group requirements 
Specialist Business Credit Report Experts 
There are many unique requirements to providing international business credit reports in all countries including United Kingdom business credit reporting services which differ from the UK business credit report services. Therefore it is very important that information is obtained directly by our expert international local business credit reporting partners and not from the UK. Our multi lingual local partners are able to provide all reports in English including the bespoke investigated business credit reports.