Watch the video to see how it works 

Debt Collection Agency in Sweden  

Watch the video to see how it works 

1. Costs - No Win No Fee! 

Having long standing relationships with all our overseas partners we have agreements to provide these services on a NO WIN NO FEE basis charging the agreed commission rate against monies recovered only. 

2. Coverage in Sweden 

Sweden is divided into 21 counties with Stockholm the capital and largest by population. We have local offices in Stockholm, Sundsvall, Malmö, Halmstad and Karlshamn meaning we are able to recover debts throughout all of Sweden. 

3. Local Experience 

Unlike many of our competitors all cases are handled by the local office or partner. The reasons for this are they speak the debtors' language, in this case Swedish is spoken by the majority of the population. We understand the local cultures and know all the legal processes. These are reasons why Creditreform are the ideal people to help you in collecting debts from overseas.. 

4. Statute of Limitation in Sweden 

10 years but there are special exemptions so whatever the age please contact us and we will advise if we can assist with your claim 
Search a country below for debt collection: 

How to Instruct Us 

We simply require the following details: 
Full name & address of the debtor 
All available contact details of the debtor i.e. contact name(s) / Tel / Mobile / Email(s) 
Amount owed (Invoice(s) or Statement will help) 
Or ask us to call you – just leave us your details: 

Case Study - USD 10,000 recovered from Sweden Debtor 

Initiation of Case 
A USA publishing company based in New York has a USD 10,000 against a Swedish company in Stockholm. The debtor ordered an annual subscription to the an international specialist directory but never paid the agreed invoice and the contacts listed did not respond to clients email, etc. 
Debt Collection Process 
After a number of weeks of non response the client Creditreform as we are a market leader in Europe. Upon receipt of the case and attached files were emailed our local partner in Sweden. They immediately sent an initial collection letter to the debtor stating the amount owed and a deadline to pay. A channel of communications with the debtor was opened and the debt was paid in full within two weeks of receiving the original instruction. 
Our client was extremely please with the speed and efficiency or our services. Naturally they will not hesitate to use Creditreform to help recover their international overdue accounts

Sweden Debt Collection – No Win No Fee 

Creditreform operates a global specialist International debt collections service. We have local offices and fully approved expert international debt collection agency partners in every country worldwide. All our International debt collection agency partners and offices operate on a No Win No Fee basis charging an agreed commission against monies recovered only. 
Main reasons why a local country debt recovery agency is so important rather than trying to recover from a debt collection agency UK are as follows: 
The local International Debt collection Partners know: 
The local cultures 
The languages 
The laws 
Are in the same time zones 
Herewith details of our debt collection service Sweden: 

Location of debt recovery office in Belgium? 

Stockholm, Sundsvall, Malmö, Halmstad, Karlshamn. All debt collection letters are sent by the local head office. 

Number of debt collection staff? 

50 plus. Each staff member is allocated a client and all their debt collection letters are personalised in order to effect the best response result s from debtors. 

How long have you been operating a debt recovery service in Belgium? 

We have been operating a European debt collection service on a no win no fee basis in Sweden since 1993. Sweden is included on our debt collection agency list

What type of debt collection services do you provide? Do you do commercial debt recovery (B2B) and consumer debt recovery (B2C)? 

We handle both Business to Business debt recovery cases and Business to Consumer debt collections cases. There is different content for business to business debt collection letter templates and business to consumer debt collection letters templates. 

Statue of Limitation in Sweden? 

The Swedish Limitations Act stipulates the principal statutory limitation under Swedish law, namely that a claim not invoked within a period of 10 years from its accrual is time-barred. However, there are rules stipulating a shorter period of limitation. 
Sweden civil litigation statute of limitations is a law that time limits a plaintiff’s right to bring a claim against a defendant. The statute of limitations in Sweden is 10 years. However, if an action has been taken within this time then the statute of limitations time will be extended to account for this. Once the specified time period elapses then no action can be taken through the legal processes unless the plaintiff is able to prove exceptional circumstances. Other Statute of Limitations include: 
Sweden Open Account Years – 10 years 
Sweden Promissory Notes – 10 years 
Sweden Written Contracts – 10 years 
Sweden Oral Agreements – 10 years 

How EU (European Union) laws effect debt collection in Sweden? 

Most EU laws does not affect Sweden as we are a fairly open country. 
Sweden has been a European Union (EU) member country since 1995 and Schengen area member since 2001. 

How many companies registries in Sweden for businesses (i.e. UK has just 1 central registry)? 

There is 1 company registry in Sweden which is called Companies Registration Office (Swedish: Bolagsverket) located at 851 81 Sundsvall, Besöksadress, Stuvarvägen 21, Tillbaka, Sweden. 
We have access to Sweden Company Registry searches to find out further background information on all Sweden companies. 

What is the debt collection process in Sweden? 

You can apply three different stages in Sweden: Out of Court debt collection, In Court Debt Collection And Monitoring. Most of our clients usually starts their cases in Out of Court, where we start the process of Collection. After Approx. 40 days we switch phase to the juridical phase (In Court Debt Collection). Should the debtor not pay while in court, the case would go to monitoring. Our monitoring process should be looked at as a cloud where a customer’s case floats around until we see a change in the debtors economy. Once the change has been identified we will try to engage contact. 
Our processes are mainly controlled by our advanced AI who controls the steps. This means that some debtors may need 4-7 letters while other, maybe younger debtors needs two phone calls and a text. 

Average length of time to collect a debt? 

The average time taken to recover a Sweden B2B debt collection case varies from case to case but typically takes 3-12 months in Sweden. 

Can late payment fees / interest to be added to claims? 

Yes, fees can be added for Sweden debt collection cases according to local law. 

Details on legal service / process in Sweden? 

Traditional litigation – proceedings in the District Courts, Appeal Courts and perhaps even the Supreme Court – requires a type of craftsmanship, which we have spent years perfecting. Success in litigation is as much about tactics, initiative and pedagogic ability as about the law. Based on your business interests, an assessment is made of the best way forward, both before and during a litigation process.. 

Restructuring in Sweden 

When a company is in restructuring/reorganisation the reconstructor must investigate whether the company can get out of its financial problems and, if so, in what way. 
The work takes place together with the company management. The reconstructor must also help the company management make a reconstruction plan and this need to be accepted by of at least 50% creditors. 
After that, they come up with a proposal for an agreement that can be often 25% of the total debt paid in several instalments or at one time. The reconstructor/trustee must contact all creditors and inform them of the plans. 

Sweden Business Credit Reports 

Creditreform provides over 88 million international business credit reports throughout Europe and 200 million international business credit reports worldwide There are about 1 million business enterprises and associations registered at the Swedish Register. These include: Limited liability companies, Limited partnerships, Sole traders, Trading partnerships. Through our online databases you can download Sweden business credit reports instantly. This can be done prior to trading to make sure the company you will be dealing with can meet the commitment or once the debt becomes overdue to ensure the debtor can meet the amount owed. 

Sweden Skip Tracing Agents 

Creditreform’s debt collection company service also uses expert local Sweden skip tracing agent services to locate any absconded debtor. This debtor tracing service is provided on a No Find No Fee basis only charging for a successful trace. 

Specialist Debt Recovery Experts 

There are many unique requirements to recovering international debts in all countries including Sweden debt collection services which differ from the UK debt collection agency  services and therefore it is very important that cases are handled directly by our expert international debt collection agencies and not from debt collectors UK. This method of international debt collection sets Creditreform aside from the competition who in many cases try and recover debts from a UK debt collector only. Using the local offices and partners enables us to achieve a far greater success rate and our No Win No Fee service together with competitive commission rates against monies recovered only ensures you get the best service. 

European Payment Order in Sweden 

An application for a payment order (betalningsföreläggande) to the Enforcement Authority (Kronofogdemyndigheten) can be made in Sweden. An application for a payment order must relate to an obligation on the defendant to pay a financial debt. The debt must be overdue and mediation must be permissible in the case. 
There are no upper limits regarding the value of the claim. 
The option of using the payment order procedure is based on the assumption that the defendant is resident in Sweden, but it is also possible to apply for a payment order against a defendant who is resident outside Sweden. A decision on an application for a payment order can be enforced in other EU Member States. 

What language should the application be made in Sweden? 

The language used in courts is Swedish and therefore a summons application must be in Swedish language. If a document has been submitted in another language the court may in some cases order a party to have it translated. 
A summons application must be submitted in writing and signed in person. If the application is not signed in person but is submitted by fax or e-mail, for example, the court must request confirmation of the application by means of an original signed document. If no such confirmation is forthcoming, the application will be rejected. 

What Courts are used in Sweden? 

In Sweden general courts deal with criminal and civil cases. There is a three tier system as follows: 
District courts (tingsrätt), Courts of appeal (hovrätt) and The Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen). 
The general administrative courts deal with cases relating to public administration They are organised in a three-tier system: 
County administrative courts (länsrätt), Administrative courts of appeal (kammarrätt) and 
Supreme Administrative Court (Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen). 
In addition, a number of special courts and tribunals have been established to hear specific kinds of cases and matters, such as the Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen) and the Market Court (Marknadsdomstolen). 

Mediation (Alternative Dispute Resolution - ADR) in Sweden 

There is no central body responsible for regulating the profession of mediator. However, the National Courts Administration (Domstolsverket) can be contacted for information on mediation. 
In commercial matters the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (Stockholms handelskammare) and the West Sweden Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Västsvenska industri- och handelskammaren) do work in the area of mediation. 

Can Statutory Interest Rate be added in Sweden? 

Rules on interest are laid down in the Interest Act (räntelagen, 1975:635). These rules apply except where otherwise provided by contract, promise or other specific enactment. The Act does, however, declare some contractual terms null and void. 
In commercial dealings between traders, interest has to be paid regardless of whether the demand for payment indicates that failure to pay will entail an obligation to pay interest. The same applies where in the course of his or her commercial dealings a trader has a claim against a public authority or other public body for goods or services supplied. 

Sweden Debt Collection Partners in the following Swedish Cities 

Who are the main trading partners for Sweden? 

The main import and export partner for Sweden are Norway, Germany, USA, Denmark, Finland and UK

Which countries border Sweden? 

Sweden is located in Scandinavia in Europe which shares a border with Norway in the west, Finland in the northeast and Denmark in the southwest (via the Öresund Bridge and tunnel). 

What is the Supreme Court in Sweden? 

The Supreme Courts for Sweden are: 
The Supreme Court of Sweden (Högsta domstolen "HD") is the supreme court and the third and final instance in all civil and criminal cases in Sweden. It was established on 19th May 1789 and is located in Stockholm. 
The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden (Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen)