Verify your Limited company has been run correctly. 
A Certificate of Good Standing UK will show that the company has been run correctly, filled relevant paperwork since the date of corporation, and there are no outstanding fees associated with the company. 
This will effectively demonstrate that your company is compliant with all statutory requirements. 

How to Instruct Us 

We simply require the following details: 
Full name & address of the person you would like to trace 
Any additional contact details / background for this person, i.e. Tel / Mobile / Email(s) 
Reason for the trace 
Or ask us to call you – just leave us your details: 

What is a Good Standing Certificate UK? 

UK Limited companies are legally required to undertake a range of annual filings with Companies House. If you meet the statutory requirements and complete all legal filing obligations, your Limited Company will be in 'good standing' with Companies House. 
You can request that Companies House issue a Certificate to verify this good standing. 
Here’s an example of what a Good Standing Certificate UK looks like: 

What information is included on the certificate of good standing UK? 

The standard format of the COGS includes: 
Company name 
Company number 
Date of incorporation 
In addition to this you can request that further information is added to the certificate. We would recommended this as it clarifies the structure of the company. Unless stated otherwise, we will always obtain the certificate with additional information. Additional information includes- 
Director(s) name(s) 
Company secretary name (if applicable) 
Registered office address 
Issued capital 
List of subscribers 
Verification that company is up to date with filing requirements 

Do I need a Certificate of Good Standing UK? 

Most limited companies won’t have a particular need for a Certificate of Good Standing, although you may want to show prospective clients and suppliers etc. that the company is meeting its regulatory obligations. 
The main benefit of having a Good Standing Certificate UK issues is if your company is looking to conduct business abroad. You may be required to provide the certificate to the local official registrar (the equivalent of Companies House) in that country. They will request this to confirm your company is properly formed and legitimate. 
Please note: Important information 
Due to changes to the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act on 30th June 2016, you will no longer be able to order UK Certificates of Good Standing with information on shareholders, shareholdings or statement of capital information.