Brazil Company Registry Search 

1. Brazil Prices & Delivery Times 

Normal delivery: 7-10 working days = GBP 125 
Express delivery: 5-7 working days = GBP 175 
Flash delivery: 3-4 working days = GBP 225 
All credit reports are delivered by email. 

2. Brazil Sample Report 

The sample report shows the layout, data included and our credit assessment.  

3. What’s included in the report? 

Ownership & Management 
Financial Details (where available) 
Default Information 
Credit Scoring & Rating 
All credit reports are delivered in English 
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Normal Delivery (7-10 days)

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  • Price is subject to VAT where applicable (UK & Isle of Man customers only)
  • Delivery times shown are working / business days
Do you need copies of original Registry Documents? 
To request a copy of the original registry documents please contact us and we will advise availibility. 
Please note that official registry documentation is usually in the language of the registration jurisdiction. 
If you'd prefer to speak to an expert, hit the Contact Us button above and fill out our contact form. Alternatively, please call +44 (0)121 442 5330
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Brazil Business Credit Report Services 

Creditreform operates a global specialist International Business credit report service. We have local offices and fully approved international risk analysis experts in every country worldwide. This enables us to provide expert up-to-date business credit report information on businesses anywhere in the world. 
Main reasons why our business credit reports are so important they enable clients to trade with confidence. 
The local International Business Credit Report Partners are able to: 
Assess local businesses trading activities. 
Update information immediately if there are any changes. 
Give accurate feedback based on the local economies. 
Communicate effectively with businesses as they share the same time zones. 
Herewith details of our business credit reporting service in Brazil: 

Location of Brazil Business Credit Reporting office? 

São Paulo, Brazil 

Number of Brazil Business Credit Reporting staff? 

10-20 staff 

How long have you been operating a Brazil business credit reporting service? 

Over 10 years. 

What type of business credit reports do you provide in Brazil: 

Corporate business credit reports online and offline – Only offline reports 
Non limited business credit reports online and offline – Offline reports only 
Bespoke investigated business credit reports - Yes 

What are the business credit report delivery times in Brazil? 

Instant Online business credit report - No 
Flash business credit report - 3 Working Days 
Express business credit report – 5-7 Working Days 
Normal business credit report – 7-10 Working Days 

How many company registries are there in Brazil for businesses (i.e. UK has just 1 central registry)? 

Av. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1700, 6º andar, Itaim Bibi, São Paulo – SP 

Brazil Economy: 

Currency: Brazilian real R$ (BRL) 
GDP Ranking: 9th 
Population: Over 210 million 
Brazil’s manufacturing sector ranks as the third biggest in the Americas. Service industries account for almost half of Brazil's economy. Leading service industries include education, finance, health care, domestic service, and businesses relating to tourism. 

Main Trading Partners of Brazil: 

Export partners: China 21.8%, European Union 16%, USA 12.3%, Argentina 8%, Japan 2.4% 
Import Partners: European Union 21.2%, China 18.1%, USA 16.5%, Argentina 6.2%, South Korea 3.4% 

Do business credit reports contain negative information? 

Yes, the reports include negative information 

Do you provide consumer credit reports in Brazil? 

Available Upon Request 

Specialist Debt Recovery Service Brazil No Win No Fee 

There are many unique requirements to international debt collection services in all countries including Brazil debt collection services which differ from the UK debt collection agency services and therefore it is very important that cases are handled directly by our expert Brazil debt collection agency and not from debt collectors UK. This method of Brazil debt collection sets Creditreform aside from the competition who in many cases will operate an international debt collection service from a UK debt collector only. Using the local Brazil debt collection agency enables us to achieve a far greater success rate and our No Win No Fee service together with competitive commission rates against monies recovered only ensures you get the best service. 

Brazil Skip Tracing Service 

Creditreform’s debt collection company service also uses expert international tracing agents including Brazil tracing agent services to locate any absconded debtor. This tracing service is provided on a No Find No Fee basis only charging for a successful trace. 

Specialist Business Credit Report Experts 

There are many unique requirements to providing international company search reports in all countries including Brazil company search services which differ from Company Credit Reports UK services. Therefore it is very important that information is obtained directly by our expert international local company check partners and not from the Credit Report UK services. Our multi lingual local company search partners are able to provide all business credit reports in English including the bespoke investigated business credit reports. 

Brazil Company Registry Name 

Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI) 

Language(s) of Brazil Company Registry 

Portuguese only 

Number of Company Registries in Brazil 

27 regional (state / district) registers but only 16 have data this is publicly available 
Acre - Commercial Registry of Acre 
Alagoas - Commercial Registry of Alagoas 
Amapá - Commercial Registry of Amapá 
Amazonas - Commercial Registry of Amazonas 
Bahia - Commercial Registry of Bahia 
Ceará - Commercial Registry of Ceará 
Distrito Federal - Commercial Registry of Distrito Federal 
Espírito Santo - Commercial Registry of Espírito Santo 
Goiás - Commercial Registry of Goiás 
Maranhão - Commercial Registry of Maranhão 
Mato Grosso - Commercial Registry of Mato Grosso 
Mato Grosso do Sul - Commercial Registry of Mato Grosso do Sul 
Minas Gerais - Commercial Registry of Minas Gerais 
Pará - Commercial Registry of Pará 
Paraíba - Commercial Registry of Paraíba 
Paraná - Commercial Registry of Paraná 
Pernambuco - Commercial Registry of Pernambuco 
Piauí - Commercial Registry of Piauí 
Rio de Janeiro - Commercial Registry of Rio de Janeiro 
Rio Grande do Norte - Commercial Registry of Rio Grande do Norte 
Rio Grande do Sul - Commercial Registry of Rio Grande do Sul 
Rondônia - Commercial Registry of Rondônia 
Roraima - Commercial Registry of Roraima 
Santa Catarina - Commercial Registry of Santa Catarina 
São Paulo - Commercial Registry of São Paulo 
Sergipe - Commercial Registry of Sergipe 
Tocantins - Commercial Registry of Tocantins 

Related Associations in Brazil 

BM&F Bovespa – Listed Companies 
Ministry of Finance – Federal Revenue – Legal entity tax identification number (CNPJ) search 

Can you search companies online for free in Brazil? 

Varies for each 27 regional registries 

What information can I view for free at Brazil Company Registry 

This differs for each of the 27 regional registries but a Brazil company extract/profile will include where available: 
Brazil Company Name 
Brazil Registration number 
Brazil Date of Incorporation 
Brazil Activity / Type of business 
Brazil Directors 
Brazil Secretary 
Brazil Registered capital 
Brazil Auditors 

Do you need to register / sign up at the Brazil Company Registry? 

Varies for each regional registry 

Number of Registered Companies in Brazil 

Over 9,000,000 companies registered in Brazil 

Number of Officers in Brazil 

Over 18,000,000 officers in Brazil 

How to Register / Incorporate a company in Brazil? 

You can register a company in Brazil through a Brazil company formation agent. 

Minimum share capital (private limited) in Brazil 

USD 600,000 is minimum share capital in Brazil 

What is the Corporate tax rate in Brazil? 

34% is corporate tax rate in Brazil (or 17% is annual turnover is less than USD 75,000) 

What is the VAT rate payable on sales to local customers in Brazil? 

20% is VAT rate in Brazil 

Types of Companies in Brazil 

Sociedade limitada (Ltda.): ≈ Brazil Limited Company 
S.A. (Sociedade anônima): ≈ Brazil Plc 
Sociedade simples: ≈ Brazil PLLC 
Sociedade em comandita simples: ≈ Brazil ordinary limited partnership 
Sociedade em nome coletivo: ≈ Brazil general partnership 
Sociedade em conta de participação: ≈ Brazil general partnership 
Sociedade em comum: ≈ Brazil general partnership 
Cooperativa ≈ Brazil cooperative 
Empresa individual (firma individual): ≈ Brazil individual proprietorship / sole proprietorship 
Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada (EIRELI): Same as Ltd., but without partners. 
Micro empreendedor individual: ≈ Brazil individual enterprise 
Empresa pública: ≈ Brazil Government-owned corporation 
Sociedade de economia mista: ≈ Brazil Government-owned corporation 
Associação em sentido estrito (sem finalidade lucrativa): ≈ Brazil nonprofit association 
Organização não governamental: ≈ Brazil nonprofit association 
Organização da sociedade civil de interesse público: ≈ Brazil nonprofit association 
Organização social: ≈ Brazil nonprofit association 
Serviços sociais autônomos: ≈ Brazil nonprofit association 
Fundação privada: ≈ Brazil private foundation 
Fundação pública: ≈ Brazil public foundation 

Brazil Company Documents Available 

Brazil Company Commercial extract 
In Brazil we have access to all corporate documents available, including: 
The Ficha Cadastral, which acts as a Cert. of Incorp. and as a Cert. of Good Standing. This document provides the most up to date information on a company, including its address, Directors, eventually Shareholders (if the company is a Ltda). This document is provided by the Receita Federal, the Brazilian Tax Authorities.  
All Corporate documents filed by the company with the local registry (state of SP, or of RJ, etc.), including the Articles of Incorp., all amendments, all minutes of the general assembly, etc. If the company is a S.A. (Sociedade Anonima) and you also need to know its current shareholders, this information will be available in the latest minutes of General Meeting. 
Please note there is no Cert. of Incorp. or Cert. of Good Standing in Brazil. But the Ficha Cadastral acts like one. 
São Paulo 
In the Commercial Registry of São Paulo the following documents can be ordered: 
São Paulo Articles 
São Paulo Amendment 
São Paulo Operation Communication 
Rio Grande do Sul 
In the Commercial Registry of Rio Grande do Sul the following documents can be ordered: 
Rio Grande do Sul Articles 
Rio Grande do Sul Micro Company Registration 
Rio Grande do Sul Amendment 
Rio Grande do Sul Dissolution 
Rio Grande do Sul Letter of attorney 
Rio Grande do Sul Court Document 

What are the Financial Regulatory Authorities in Brazil? 

Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN) 
Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) 
Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP) 

What are the Stock Exchanges in Brazil? 

B3 in São Paulo which was founded in 1890 
Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange (BVRJ) in Rio de Janeiro which was founded in 1845 
Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange (BM&F) in São Paulo which was founded in 1971 
Bolsa de Cereais e Mercardorias de Maringá (BCMM) in Maringá which was founded in 1982 
Bolsa de Valores Minas - Espírito Santo - Brasília (BOVMESB) in Belo Horizonte which was founded in 1976 

Can you order a Brazil Apostille Certificate? 

Yes, Brazil agreed to the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. Therefore, Brazil accepts the Apostille Certificate for Brazil Company Registry Search Documents in place of any further legalisation process. 
Brazil signed up to the Hague Convention on 14th August 2016. 

Brazil Company Registry Search 

All local Brazil Company searches can be under taken via our Brazil Company Registry search. Where there is more than one Brazil Company Registry an Brazil company search will be made via a local Brazil company registry search in the city where the company or business is registered. Many Brazil company searches can be made on line but in some cases the Brazil company search needs to search the local Brazil company register in person, post or by email. Creditreform and it’s local company search partners undertake these services on behalf of our international clients. 

Brazil Company Documents 

The Brazil Company Registry hold all company documents on record and many of these can be downloaded instantly if you have registered with the Brazil company registry. Alternatively you can order Brazil company documents, company extracts or any registered document such as the Brazil Memorandum of Association via Creditreform. Creditreform’ s local registered agent will then undertake an Brazil company search on your behalf and we will forward the results via email. 

Brazil Certificate of Good Standing 

The certificate of Good standing is issued by the local Brazil company registry and in many cases can be downloaded by a registered company agent. Besides the Certificate of Good Standing other specific documents can be purchased such as the Brazil Certificate of Incorporation or the Brazil Memorandum of Association.. 

Brazil Private Investigation Work 

There are many reasons for the need to use our Brazil private investigator or Brazil process server. We partner with fully approved local Brazil private detectors who are experts in their field and provide our clients with a fully confidential service including Brazil skip tracing and Brazil document serving where required. 

Brazil Company Formations 

There are many reasons why our clients need to use our Brazil company formation services. Through our fully approved local Brazil company registration agent the Brazil company incorporation is made as simple as possible. We will undertake all the necessary Brazil company searches to ensure the chosen name is available and guide you through the necessary documentation required to incorporate the company required. 

Brazil Country Overview 

Brazil is still working on rebuilding itself after the recession that happened eight years ago, when the economy contracted by almost 7%. Since then, Brazil hasn’t been able to grow at the same pace it was used to during the decade before the recession hit. However, the Brazilian economy has been experiencing a slow but steady recovery in recent years. 
In 2022, GDP grew by an estimated 2.8%, mainly driven household consumption, private investment, and exports. South America's largest economy is expected to grow at a slower pace in the coming years, experts predict a GDP growth of 1% in 2023 and 1.9% in 2024. 
In 2022, inflation rate reached an estimated 9.4%, however, inflation is expected to decrease to 4.7% in 2023 and 3.9% in 2024. The government debt decreased to 88.2%, and is expected to remain stable over the next two years at 88.9% in 2023 and 90.6% in 2024. 
The unemployment rate in Brazil decreased in 2022, reaching an expected 9.8%, as the country recovered from the impacts of the pandemic. 
The International Monetary Fund expects that the unemployment rate will slightly decrease to 9.5% in 2023 and remain stable in 2024, especially as the services sector continues to recover from the aftermath of the pandemic and household consumption increases as inflation reduces.