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Debt Collection Agency in Togo  

Watch the video to see how it works 

1. Costs - No Win No Fee! 

Having long standing relationships with all our overseas partners we have agreements to provide these services on a NO WIN NO FEE basis charging the agreed commission rate against monies recovered only. 

2. Coverage in Togo 

Togo is divided into 5 regions with Lomé being the capital city. Our local office is in the Tokoin-Forever of Lomé meaning we are centrally located to recover debts throughout all of Togo. 

3. Local Experience 

Unlike many of our competitors all cases are handled by the local office or partner. The reasons for this are they speak the debtors' language, in this case the official language is French and national languages Ewé and Kabiyé. We understand the local cultures and know all the legal processes. These are reasons why Creditreform are the ideal people to help you in collecting debts from overseas. 

4. Statute of Limitation in Togo 

5 years but there are special exemptions so whatever the age please contact us and we will advise if we can assist with your claim 
Search a country below for debt collection: 

How to Instruct Us 

We simply require the following details: 
Full name & address of the debtor 
All available contact details of the debtor i.e. contact name(s) / Tel / Mobile / Email(s) 
Amount owed (Invoice(s) or Statement will help) 
Or ask us to call you – just leave us your details: 

Togo Debt Collection – No Win No Fee 

Creditreform operates a global specialist International debt collections service. We have local offices and fully approved expert international debt collection agency partners in every country worldwide. All our International debt collection agency partners and offices operate on a No Win No Fee basis charging an agreed commission against monies recovered only. All our international offices and partners initiate the collection processes by sending the debtors a debt collection letter to introduce their involvement. 
Main reasons why a local country debt recovery agency is so important rather than trying to recover from a debt collection agency UK are as follows: 
The local International Debt collection Partners know: 
The local cultures 
The best methods of initiating debt recovery letters and processes 
The languages 
The laws 
Are in the same time zones 
Herewith details of our debt collection service Togo 

Location of debt recovery office in Togo? 

Lomé. All debt collection letters are sent by the local head office. 

Number of debt collection staff? 

Our firm employs about twenty people including three (03) lawyers. Each staff member is allocated a client and all their debt collection letters are personalised in order to effect the best response results from debtors. 

How long have you been operating a debt recovery service in Togo? 

We have been operating an African debt collection service on a no win no fee basis in Togo since 1994. Togo is included on our debt collection agency list

What type of debt collection services do you provide? Do you do commercial debt recovery (B2B) and consumer debt recovery (B2C)? 

We handle both Business to Business debt recovery cases and Business to Consumer debt collections cases. There is different content for business to business debt collection letter templates and business to consumer debt collection letters templates

Statue of Limitation in Togo? 

With regard to the law of prescription in Togo, it is governed by the Revised Uniform Act on General Commercial Law adopted on December 15, 2010 in Lomé (TOGO) and entered into force on May 16, 2011 
According to the provisions of Article 16 of the said Act, Obligations arising from their trade between traders, or between traders and non-traders, are prescriptive by five years if they are not subject to shorter prescriptions. 
Timor-Leste civil litigation statute of limitations is a law that time limits a plaintiff’s right to bring a claim against a defendant. The statute of limitations in Timor-Leste is 5 years. However, if an action has been taken within this time then the statute of limitations time will be extended to account for this. Once the specified time period elapses then no action can be taken through the legal processes unless the plaintiff is able to prove exceptional circumstances. 

How EU (European Union) laws effect debt collection in Togo? 

European laws (European Union) have no impact on debt recovery in Togo. 
Togo is in discussions over a a free trade agreement (FTA) as part of The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS or CEDEAO in French) which included 16 African states together with the European Union (EU) in 2014. This is referred to as the Economic Partnership Agreement between the ECOWAS and the European Union. The other ECOWAS member states are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone

How many companies registries in Togo for businesses (i.e. UK has just 1 central registry)? 

With regard to business registers in the field of business in Togo, there is only one so-called Center for Formalities of Enterprises (CFE). 
There is 1 company registry in Togo which is called Centre des Formalités des Entreprises du Togo – Business Start-up Centre located at Angle Avenue de la Présidence Avenue Georges Pompidou BP: 360 Lomé - TOGO. 
We have access to Togo Company Registry searches to find out who further background information on all Togo companies. 

What is the debt collection process in Togo? 

With regard to the general comment concerning the debt recovery procedure in Togo and its difference from the European Union, it is important to underline that: 
Firstly, at the request of the Togolese authorities, the World Bank has prepared an assessment of the strengths and areas for improvement in the debt management in Togo 
Then, this assessment uses the Debt Management Performance Assessment tool. This tool is only a methodology developed by the World Bank, in collaboration with international institutions and other suppliers to assess the performance of debt management through a comprehensive set of performance indicators 
Lastly, the assessment covers all entities of the State involved in debt management activities. This set consists of several services within the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of other public bodies and the national agency of the Central Bank of West African States 
As regards the debt recovery procedure in Togo, it is the one enacted by the Uniform Act on the Organization of Simplified Recovery Procedures and Execution Ways, particularly the order for payment procedure. The creditor may, in accordance with this procedure, request the recovery of a certain, liquid and payable debt by first obtaining an enforcement order for recovery, without prior mediation with the debtor 

Average length of time to collect a debt? 

The average duration of debt recovery between individuals is five (05) years. If you have loaned money to a friend or sold a good to an individual, then, you have five (05) years to claim the amount from the day of the loan or sale 
In principle, with regard to the average period of recovery as an experienced lawyer, the legislator of the Uniform Act on the Organization of Simplified Procedures for Recovery and Enforcement does not provide for any average duration and it depends on the slowness or speed of the procedures. 
As an exception to this rule, in civil matters, according to the provisions of Article 2224 of the Civil Code: "Personal or movable actions are prescribed by five years from the day on which the holder of a right knew or ought to have known the effect enabling him to exercise it " 
In commercial matters, as pointed out above, the Article 16 of the Revised Uniform Act on General Commercial Law makes it clear that: "Obligations arising from their trade between traders, or between traders and non-traders, are prescriptive by five years if they are not subject to shorter prescriptions”. 
The Togolese Legal System for the recovery of debts is inherited from the Uniform Act on the Organization of Simplified Procedures for Recovery and Enforcement, which is a strong inspiration for it. In short, there is no average recovery time. 

Can late payment fees / interest to be added to claims? 

Yes, the payment of fees may be delayed by the debtor. In this case, the latter is exposed to penalties of delay or increase depending on the circumstances in case of formal notice 
Concerning the interests, the legislator of the OHADA provided in article 157 of the Uniform Act that the act of seizure must contain, on pain of nullity, some mentions of which the separate counting of the sums claimed in principal, expenses and accrued interest plus a provision for accruing interest 

Details on legal service / process in Togo? 

With regard to the details on the legal service, we can list the companies of legal expertise, the Law Firms, the Legal Advice, the Notaries, the Bailiffs, the auctioneers, Companies of debt recovery. 
For the legal procedure in Togo, note that the judiciary opts for all procedures whether social, civil, criminal or commercial. 

Togo Business Credit Reports 

Creditreform provides over 88 million international business credit reports throughout Europe and 200 million international business credit reports worldwide. We provide freshly investigated Togo Credit Reports which can be done prior to trading to make sure the company you will be dealing with can meet the commitment or once the debt becomes overdue to ensure the debtor can meet the amount owed. 

Togo Skip Tracing Agents 

Creditreform’s debt collection company service also uses expert local Togo tracing agent services to locate any absconded debtor. This debtor tracing service is provided on a No Find No Fee basis only charging for a successful trace. 

Specialist Debt Recovery Experts 

There are many unique requirements to recovering international debts in all countries including Togo debt collection services which differ from the UK debt collection agency  services and therefore it is very important that cases are handled directly by our expert international debt collection agencies and not from debt collectors UK. This method of international debt collection sets Creditreform aside from the competition who in many cases try and recover debts from a UK debt collector only. Using the local offices and partners enables us to achieve a far greater success rate and our No Win No Fee service together with competitive commission rates against monies recovered only ensures you get the best service. 

Togo Debt Collection Partners in the following Togo Cities 

What is the Supreme Court in Togo? 

The Supreme Court for Togo is called the 'Supreme Court of Togo'