The Six main ways to spot a Fake Cheque/Check 
1. Check all the sides and the edges 
Check all the sides and the edges of the cheque as most authentic ones will have a rough or perforated side where it was attached to a cheque stub in the cheque book. Cheques that were written by a legitimate business have one edge that is rough or perforated. If all sides are smooth this should raise some alarm bells as it could have been a fake generated computer cheque template. 
2. Check the bank logo 
Check the bank logo on the front of the cheque to ensure it fully matches the actual bank from which the cheque was presented. If there is no logo then there is a strong possibility the cheque is fake. If the logo is blurred, faded or faint this could demonstrate that it has been copied from another source. 
3. Check the bank address 
Check the bank address printed on the cheque is a genuine valid address relating to the bank in question. If the address is incorrect or incomplete in anyway this could be a sign of a fake cheque. 
4. Find the cheque number 
All legitimate cheques are issued by a bank with a cheque number. The cheque number normally appears at the bottom of the cheque next to the bank sort code and account number. If there is no cheque number then again the cheque is most likely to be fake. 
5. Check Sort Code Matches bank & bank address 
Ensure the sort code matches the bank and the bank address. The sort code has 6 digits and is located at the bottom of the cheque. You can check the sort code by entering it on a search engine which will confirm if it is genuine and which bank and address it relates to. These should match the bank and address on the actual cheque. If there is any discrepancies then the cheque is again most likely to be fake 
6. Is the bank account number 8 digits? 
Correct bank account numbers in the UK are now all 8 digits. The bank account number will be located at the bottom of the cheque alongside the sort code and cheque number. If the account number is greater or less than 8 digits it will probably be a fake cheque. 
These are just some tips to identify a fraudulent or fake cheque. However, if you have any doubts whatsoever it is always advisable to contact the issuing bank named on the cheque and they will be able to confirm its validity and that the account holder that issued the cheque is a genuine customer of theirs. 
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