Credit control is important for any business seeking to provide goods and services. It is vital to ensure that a company only provides credit to a customer who has the capacity to pay for their goods and service within the credit term set. When targeting and potentially going into business with new customers, it is important to have rigid credit control systems in place. This will ensure unwarranted debt does not put un-necessary strain on your company. Credit control becomes even more important when your customers are international, and you have the added burden of different time zones and language barriers, which has the potential to make communication regarding late payment rather difficult. 
Here at Creditreform, we have 175 offices in 21 European countries, Turkey and China. We also have partners in all other countries worldwide meaning we have the capacity to look behind the scenes at international companies for you, before you enter into a new business relationship with them. With the ability to provide credit reports for 200 million companies worldwide, we research, verify and analyse commercial information and provide solvency ratings and company assessments. In doing this we provide you with accurate knowledge which allows you to make an informed decision about whether you want to go into business with a certain company or not. 
As well as assessing potential new customers, we can assist with the recovery of debts from existing customers. We offer international debt collection on a no win no fee basis, so we only charge commission on monies recovered. Often these costs are recovered from the debtors, so you will pay nothing. Each case is handled by a local office within the relevant country. This means our representatives can communicate in the required language and be able to recover debts on your behalf more successfully. You will be kept fully informed of our progress through regular monthly reports. 
For more information about Creditreform UK and to discuss how you might benefit from more thorough credit control when dealing with potential and existing customers within the UK and internationally, please call 0121 442 5330, alternatively email [email protected]
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